Art Watch: A fresh take on teaching art

Kids and adults learn at Willowdale Art Academy By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times If you have ever been to Landhope Farms in Kennett Square at Routes 926 and 82, you may have seen a sign for “Willowdale Art Academy” and wondered what that was. Oil painter Karen D’Allaird started Willowdale Art Academy  5 years ago to give young students art classes that teach the fundamentals...

Odds of major snowstorm blanketing Chesco 50-50

If you’re one to watch local TV, you might be under the impression that the Chester County area is going to be blanketed by a massive snowstorm this weekend — but that my not be the case. While some forecasts have called for as much a foot or more falling on the local area Friday night through Saturday, there is an equal chance of the storm amounting to little or even nothing. While local county...

Powerball winners have tough choices

After $1M win at Landhope Farms, all of us can dream a bit By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times When I heard the news that a million dollar Powerball ticket was purchased at our very own Landhope Farms and digested the fact that it was not me (I did not have ONE correct number, let alone five), I experienced a flood of emotions.    Send article as PDF    ...

What To Do: Winter fun around the region

From Winterfest to to local winter festivals lots of fun to keep you warm By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Winter has arrived and brought with it many things to dislike — frigid weather that chills you to the bone, a lack of sunlight and unpredictable snowstorms that cause hazardous road conditions. Still, there are also many things to like about winter such as ice skating on frozen...

KCSD greets 2016 with $82 million proposed budget

New $10k scholarship announced, Kennett Legends nominations process proposed, impact of new housing within district discussed By Kim Chiomento, News Editor, The Times KCSD board member, Michael Finnegan, provides a detailed presentation on the proposed 2016/2017 school budget. KENNETT – The well-attended Kennett Consolidated School District (KCSD) January board meeting covered a wide variety of...

UCF board looks at class rank changes

New members join the board for first work session – John Murphy second from right, and Elise Anderson, third from right. Preliminary budget for 2016-2017 reviewed By Karen Cresta, Staff Writer, The Times EAST MARLBOROUGH – The Unionville Chadds Ford School District (UCFSD) Board of Education had its first work session meeting of 2016 on Monday night that  included new members Elise Anderson...

LCH receives grant for healthcare response to domestic violence

Grows partnership with DVCCC, named one of six community health centers selected to receive funding, training, and support to address intimate partner violence.  KENNETT SQUARE, PA (January 13, 2016)— National nonprofit Futures Without Violence named La Comunidad Hispana (LCH) as one of six Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supported community health centers that will receive...

Kimmel sworn in as E. Marlborough supervisor

First woman to join board in township history By Karen Cresta, Staff Writer, The Times East Marlborough Supervisors chair Richard Hannum swears in new board member Christine Kimmel. EAST MARLBOROUGH – Christine Kimmel was sworn in to make her an official – and the first female – supervisor for East Marlborough Township by new president Richard Hannum at the reorganization meeting held...

Art Watch: Pulling back the curtain

The art of architecture is revealed in local show By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times “Architectural Sketches: Building an Idea” opens this Friday, January 15 at The Oxford Art Alliance with an opening reception from 5-8pm. This exciting exhibition showcases the early stage architectural renderings of renown local architects Ed Rahme, Wayne Simpson and Todd Tully Danner. Visit this exhibit...

A list to help have a healthier mouth in 2016

Instead of resolutions, a checklist for better dental health By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times I hate resolutions.  Instead of a few well-intentioned destined to fail resolutions, I prefer to make a list. A simple list of some of the many things I would like to accomplish (or make progress toward) during the year. By now, most resolutions have already become a memory of a good...