Art Watch: Patsy Keller

Turning a passion for glass into an art By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times This week, we are looking at the artwork of local fused glass artist Patsy Keller.  Patsy’s attention to detail is evident in each piece she creates.  Her pendants, often including dichroic glass or mica, are both beautiful and wearable.  She also makes colorful eye-catching vases, plates and bowls that dazzle in the...

Back to school then and now

The thrill is gone at the start of the year with older kids, now By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times BACK TO SCHOOL: THEN (meaning 5 years ago) vs. NOW THEN- Brand new backpack (ordered WEEKS in advance) with coordinating lunchbox (and superhero thermos) containing things like carrot sticks, goldfish crackers and a love note from Mommy! NOW- Backpack from last year (ripped and tattered. Who...

Kennett High to see the light Friday – for free

Football ticket prices waived so community can celebrate new stadium addition The community is invited to attend Kennett High’s first football game for free to celebrate the new stadium lights. The Kennett Area Consolidated School District is inviting the community to Friday’s season-opening football game, which will have no admission free in celebration of the new stadium lights. Spectators...

After 4 painful years, mystery still unsolved

Family urging public to circulate missing daughter’s photo By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Toni Lee Sharpless, 33, of West Brandywine Township, was last seen in Philadelphia on Aug. 23, 2009. The sudden disappearance of a West Brandywine Township nurse and mother four years ago continues to be shrouded in mystery. Toni Lee Sharpless, 33, was last seen about 4 a.m. on Aug. 23,...

D.A.: ‘Simple case of good cop gone bad’

Former Coatesville detective arraigned on forgery, theft charges By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Accompanied by his attorney, Daniel R. Bush (right), Gerald D. Pawling, a former Coatesville detective, arrives at Caln district court for his arraignment on theft charges. With five relatives seated behind him, a former Coatesville Police detective was arraigned on eight counts of...

Two city-owned properties fail to garner bids for purchase

Lands left from abandoned golf course and rec center projects remain unsold By Kyle Carrozza, Staff Writer, The Times COATESVILLE – The city failed to receive any bids on the sale of two properties last week. The Conti property at Pratts Dam and North Manor Road, appraised at $925,000, and the property at 214 Mt. Airy Road, appraised at $320,000 were to be sold at an auction held by Barr and Davis...

Art Watch: Denise Vitollo

Award-winning pastel artist unafraid to innovate Note to readers: This is a special preview of what will be a regular Sunday feature in The Times, Art Watch, written by Lele Galer, a noted local artist herself and Unionville resident. By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times This week’s featured artist is Denise Vitollo who is an award winning pastel artist currently on faculty at The Padua Academy...

Celebrating the gifts of the spine

Health and well-being spring from your spinal column By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times The summer months are a time of great activity and celebration.  It’s also a time when many people begin an exercise routine or take a closer look at their fitness goals.  And, since the spine is the foundation for almost all activity, it’s important to understand and recognize some of the most important...

International conference puts GIS guru on map

Emergency services employee wins first-place data award Dave Sekkes, the emergency planning coordinator for the Chester County Department of Emergency Services (DES), won a first-place data integration award last month. The emergency planning coordinator for the Chester County Department of Emergency Services (DES), Dave Sekkes, was honored at the ESRI International User Conference last month with...

At ServiceCorps, community growth is personal growth

39 Coatesville Youth Initiative students recognized for their service By Kyle Carrozza, Staff Writer, The Times ServiceCorp members lead the room in a chant proclaiming themselves future leaders. COATESVILLE – Community improvement is a two-way street; deeds done by community members improve the world around them, and, in turn, the act of completing those deeds allows the individuals to grow as...