Art Watch: Karen D’Allaird

Flower Power: Contemporary Realism in Chester County By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times The featured artist for this week’s Art Watch is contemporary realist painter Karen D’Allaird.  Many of you may know Karen D’Allaird as the founder and teacher of the wonderful Willowdale Art Academy for young students in Kennett Square ( Karen founded the Art Academy...

Pa. to observe Teen Driver Safety Week

Officials hope to raise awareness about need to reverse youth fatality statistics Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has conducted extensive research on teen driving safety, and has compiled a website with information for teens and parents. From 2008 to 2012, 103,002 crashes involving at least one 16- to 19-year old driver occurred in Pennsylvania, resulting in 851 fatalities. Of those...

Pulling out stops for school-bus safety

Police, PennDOT, school districts to participate in annual awareness initiative By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times A first-place student drawing illustrates the importance of school bus safety. The red lights on the school bus were flashing and its arm was extended when a truck blew right past it on West Lincoln Highway in Valley Township recently. Unfortunately only for the driver,...

Does finding the right Halloween costume have to be scary?

Who has time (or the ability) to sew a costume? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Halloween can be stressful. The temptation to consume ridiculously huge amounts of candy coupled with the added pressure of finding costumes that are age appropriate and don’t cost $125 is a real challenge. And, although I profess my love (almost weekly) for Pinterest, it is super annoying to see what crafty...

In Modena’s MoGreena, a night for an art arena

Second Annual Harvest Art Party to be held Wednesday The ServiceCorps crew takes a moment to relax after finishing an ambitious wall mural that features selected Waste Oil Recyclers’ employees as “superheroes.” The hip, art-friendly, eco-minded Modena enclave known as MoGreena is inviting the public to attend its Second Annual Harvest Art Party on Wednesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The festivities...

Ex-jurist will ‘die in prison,’ attorney warns

She filed motion to modify ‘harsh” sentence imposed on Rita A. Arnold By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Rita A. Arnold was sentenced on Wednesday to 16 to 32 months in prison. The attorney for an embattled former Chester County magisterial district justice argued that her client “will almost certainly die in prison” if a visiting judge does not reduce her jail term. As promised,...

Fright Feast promises ghoulishly good time

Lions Club’s annual Halloween-themed event supports local causes The contents of a casket of spirits will be one of the Fright Feast’s raffle prizes. Get into the spooky spirit of the season this Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Fourth Annual Fright Feast, a monstrously generous fund-raiser for several worthy area causes. Sponsored by the Kennett Square Lions Club’s Morning Branch, the popular event...

Creating a sense of community through collaboration

Working together can build more than success By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times In this article we will explore the concept of creating community in the hopes of achieving a greater sense of connection and sustainability. As with any goal, we need to start with the end in mind. To do so, we must first define what it is that we are after. Community is defined as a feeling of fellowship with others,...

Potential pets on parade at pennyworth prices

Chester County SPCA inviting visitors to fall in love this weekend If you want to capitalize on the research that shows people with pets enjoy longer, happier lives, the Chester County SPCA (CCSPCA) would like to assist. This weekend, the nonprofit agency is sponsoring a two-day drive to boost adoptions, with extended  hours from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, the SPCA will...

Swearing-in a homecoming for county resident

Former trooper, criminal supervisor, chief detective now chief deputy sheriff By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Chester County Court Judge Anthony A. Sarcione (from left) congratulates c and Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh, who held the Bible during March’s swearing-in. In a Chester County courtroom packed with supporters at the Justice Center, a veteran member of local law-enforcement...