Art Watch: Annette Alessi

Inspired by the traditions of the Brandywine Valley By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times Local painter and pastel artist Annette Alessi is the subject of this week’s Local Art Watch.  After graduating from the Art Institute of Philadelphia with a degree in illustration, Annette worked in fashion illustration for many years.  Most of her landscape work is painted plein air (outdoors) and she...

Kennett Food Cupboard Feeds the Hungry

Kennett Food Cupboard volunteer Scott McCoy is just one of over 70 volunteers who donates time to help feed the hungry. With the holidays approaching, donations are even more critical than usual. Staff, volunteers prepare for Thanksgiving holiday; donations accepted daily By Suzanne Misciagna, Staff Writer, The Times KENNETT — Tucked away on a quiet street in downtown Kennett Square, the Kennett...

Crime Victims’ Center lauded at 40th anniversary

County officials, residents praise agency for decades of advocacy By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times State Sen. Andy Dinniman reads from a certificate honoring the Crime Victims’ Center that he presented to Peggy Gusz, its executive director. The vast majority of residents go about their business with no need for the Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc. (CVC), and that’s...

CASD board continues to disrespect citizens

Tirade by Joe Dunn sadly typifies group’s overall tenor  By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Few jobs on the planet are as thankless as serving on a school board, a duty that routinely subjects members to all manner of vitriol. In fact, when school district operations go smoothly, those folks rarely hear a peep from constituents; so even the good times go unrewarded. Of course,...

Shopping on Thanksgiving a real turkey

Stores open on the holiday, mess with the holiday and hurt Black Friday By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times By now, it is evident how much I love to shop.  In fact, hunting for bargains may be one of my favorite things to do…but NOT ON THANKSGIVING. Black Friday was traditionally the kick-off to the shopping season frenzy.  Remember how people would line up at 3:00am for a Cabbage Patch...

Through mural, young city artists continue to shine

Darkness to Light creators to be honored at Penn State reception By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Some of the creators of the Darkness to Light mural surround the five panels after their completion at the Bridge Academy and Community Center in Coatesville. The glow generated by the Darkness to Light mural project continues, and its youthful creators will be recognized on Thursday,...

Unionville Art Gala is a big hit

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times A display of art work by the Unionville High School Art Gala’s featured artist, Jeff Schaller. Once again, the event brought artists from around Chester County and beyond to show their works and offer them for sale. The 2013 Unionville Art Gala held at Unionville High School in Kennett Square was a great success drawing large crowds during the Friday Night...

What were all those dentists doing in New Orleans?

Annual American Dental Association Meeting highlight tech, learning By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Just last week more than 24.000  dental professionals gathered in New Orleans for the Annual meeting of the American Dental Association.  That’s a lot of dental people in one place.  What makes these meetings so important? As a private practice dentist, I believe it is important...

Retired Stars and Stripes get respectful repository

County residents can place worn flags in new box near Sheriff’s Office By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Sporting a flag-filled tie, Chief Deputy Sheriff George P. March prepares to retire a collection of flags he had been saving. If you build it, they will come, and that is exactly what occurred Tuesday afternoon when the Patriotic Order Sons of America presented a large handmade...

Getting teens fired up about public service

County course offers opportunity for hands-on experience By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times As her colleagues watch, Hayleigh Hunter, 17, of Avon Grove High, drains the fire hydrant so that the hose can be attached. While many of their peers lounged at home or hung out at the mall this past weekend, a group of county teens took turns wrestling with hoses, matching wits with ladders,...