Art Watch: An evening of the arts

A one-night event in Kennett Sq., Friday By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times April brings a host of wonderful new art shows to Chester County, with many openings this Friday. Openings are exciting art events full of that fresh energy that comes with the unveiling of newly orchestrated show. Artists and customers mingle and chat, and there is food, refreshments and often music to heighten the spectacle...

Fuel City Cafe opening ‘perks’ things up in Coatesville

High-end coffee comes to city in downtown By Lauren Parker- Gill, Staff Writer, The Times Fuel City Cafe owners Nicole Catanese and David Long (center) were surrounded by the support of the Coatesville community and the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce for the ribbon cutting ceremony that welcomed their new business to Coatesville Tuesday. COATESVILLE – Western Chester County Chamber of...

Rivera pulls out of 158th District race

Chesco GOP to pick new candidate for April write-in campaign By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times More drama in the ongoing 158th District State House race: after withdrawing his nominating petitions earlier this week after a legal challenge suggested issues with how they were signed and notarized, Lenny Rivera announced Monday that he would end his write-in bid for the seat. State Rep. Chris Ross (R-158)...

DMWA plan to stop fluoride addition delayed

State DEP requires public comment on move; local dentists say health at risk By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times The water treatment plant for the Downingtown Municipal Water Authority. Plans to end adding fluoride to the system’s water have been put on hold, pending state Department of Environmental Protection approval. DOWNINGTOWN — A plan to stop adding fluoride to water in the Downingtown...

Avoid spraying, prevent mosquito reproduction

If they can’t breed, you don’t need to worry about using pesticides By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times I recently noticed a newspaper article that is very misleading about the costs and benefits of spraying to control mosquitoes. The story was much too casual about the use of toxic chemicals in residential properties. It brought out that the insecticides known as pyrethroids, widely...

What To Do: Get hoppin’ for Easter

The Easter Bunny is pretty much everywhere this weekend By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Easter Weekend has arrived and that means that the Easter Bunny’s daily schedule is shifting into overdrive. He will be at “Easter Egg Hunts” all around the area and he will be participating in a variety of special events. One activity that is always a hit with youngsters is a ride on an excursion...

On Stage: Delta Deep is extreme blues

Local music schedule has something of a friends’ theme this weekend By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Def Lepard guitarist Phil Collen leads Delta Deep into the area this weekend. Phil Collen is no stranger to music fans around the world. Collen is the lead guitarist for both British rock band Def Leppard and alternative roots/rock band Manraze. Collen, one of England’s top guitarists,...

Art Watch: Remembrances of Things Past

‘The Poetry of Nature’ at the Brandywine River Museum of Art By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times At the Brandywine River Museum of Art, a beautiful new exhibition opened this week through June 12, “The Poetry of Nature: A Golden Age of American Landscape Painting”, which highlights the works from the New York Hudson River School of the 1800s. Forty paintings, including works...

Unionville’s Grassie charts her own path with new EP

Vocalist, harpist comes home for release events in area By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Unionville’s Gillian Grassie debuts her new EP this week. Gillian Grassie likes to forge her own trails — as a person and as a musician. Grassie graduated from Unionville High a decade ago. Then, a few years later, she graduated cum laude from Bryn Mawr College with a degree in Comparative Literature. She...

UCF should end decile ranking, period

So-called ‘compromise’ isn’t — it’s no change at all By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times Less than a week from now, the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District Board of Education is slated to vote on revising a policy about ranking Unionville High School students by decile — slices of 10% based on grade point average (GPA). It’s an issue that’s generated a lot of passion...