Letter: Getting rid of Jury Commissioners hurts justice

To The Editor, The old adage states you don’t fix something that isn’t broke. The Pennsylvania Legislature has violated this wise advice by taking unconstitutional action that threatens the integrity of the Commonwealth’s judicial system. Since 1868 the elected representatives of the office of Jury Commissioner have made sure that the jury selection process in Pennsylvania has been fair and that...

Letter: take a moment to celebrate our dairy farmers

To the Editor There is certainly no better time to enjoy a few scoops of ice cream or a refreshing glass of milk than in June during National Dairy Month. While celebrating can be delicious and fun, it is also an opportunity to take time to reflect on our farms in Chester County and what impact dairy farms have on our lives. Our 280 dairy farms and 18,900 cows produce enough milk for our 500,000 county...

Letter: Commissioners hiding anti-union legal, consultant costs

To The Editor, The Chester County Commissioners do not believe they are accountable to County taxpayers. The County is currently embroiled in a labor dispute with the employees at the Department of Human Services. On numerous occasions the Commissioners have refused to disclose how much taxpayer money they are paying the anti-union attorneys and consultants they have hired to assist them in this dispute. Commissioner...

Letter: Rzucidlo alerts voters in the 158th of voting issues

To The Editor: As an advocate, I have worked for many years to assist  families and individuals in the region navigate the complicated Education, Human Services, and Veteran services programs in Pennsylvania. I  help people find services they need and teach them how to they can in turn help others as well. I am also a candidate running for a seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the...