A tough week for Corbett, but an interesting tax idea

While the Fraternal Order of Police endorse Wolf, Corbett goes after Amish Mafia By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Gov. Tom Corbett’s struggling gubernatorial campaign took another hit this week when the state’s Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Democrat Tom Wolf, while the governor made headlines calling for the cancellation of the popular Amish Mafia TV show. Yup. Really. First on the FOP endorsement:...

Lies, damn lies and PECO

On Pocopson roundabout delays, power company needs to put its money where it mouth is By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It was a lovely later summer morning at the intersection of Rt. 52, Lenape-Unionville and Wawaset roads, Wednesday morning. A soft breeze was blowing as the sun pushed the clouds away. You could hear the Pocopson Creek running, birds singing — it was like something from a travelogue. Except,...

OP/Ed.: Wrong for state and Rafferty to back drilling on parkland

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone On Tuesday afternoon, we saw over twenty committed citizens standing outside my opponent’s office protesting the Senator’s vote to lease state-owned parkland to drilling companies. In addition to being harmful to our forests and parks, this vote was part of a larger problem happening in Harrisburg right now. The vote to lease state parkland...

Op/Ed.: Is ‘settled science’ really settled?

By Gerald K. McOscar Gerald K. McOscar Contrary to what some scientists and politicians profess, one need not look far to see that science is rarely settled and that much of yesterday’s “science” is today’s old wives’ tale. In June, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported on the case of Han Tak Lee who nearly 25 years ago was convicted of the July 1989 arson murder of his 20-year-old daughter...

Poll numbers don’t always tell the whole story

Also: is it time to fire legislators too busy ‘on vacation’ to do their jobs? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Ah, the sweet smell of late summer. Fruits ripening, corn growing, backyard grills fired up, maybe even a whiff of chlorine from the pool all in the air. Also floating in the air: polling data, much of which might leave folks scratching their heads a bit. You may have seen this...

Op/Ed: Time to deliver justice

By Susan Rzucidlo, Candidate, State Representative, 158th District Susan Rzucidlo I am disappointed that the Republican House leadership in Harrisburg continues to fail to help victims of abuse. HB 832 and HB 878 as well as SB 1392, all bills focused on helping victims of past abuse find justice; all were left to die in committee. Recently, state Sen. Anthony Williams brought forward SB 46, a bill...

Op/Ed: An irresponsible budget

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone I worked in the private sector at large and small companies, in various financial management roles, for about two decades before becoming a Chester County Commissioner.  During the Corbett administration, I have watched from afar as legislators and the Governor concocted one bad budget after another.  Previous...

Op/ED: SE GOP leaders back Corbett on pension fight

Editors Note: This op-ed was submitted by Patricia Poprik, Chair of the Bucks County Republican Committee; Valentino DiGiorgio, Chair of the Republican Committee of Chester County; Andrew Reilly, Chair of the Delaware County Republican Committee; Mike Vereb, Chair of the Montgomery County Republican Committee; and John Taylor, Chair of the Philadelphia Republican City Committee; Michael Meehan, Chair...

Corbett faces trouble from his own party

Legislators annoyed by, but not scared by, Gov.’s budget line-item veto By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Yogi Berra, the baseball legend and armchair philosopher once said, “when you get to a fork in the road, take it.” Based on his action last week, Gov. Tom Corbett appears not to have taken this sage advice — and crashed right into the Burma Shave billboard located at the fork in the...

Op/Ed.: Keystones should not be a graduation requirement

The one-size-fits-all approach to education is wrong By Stephen Barrar, State Representative, 160th District State Rep. Stephen Barrar This September will mark the first year the Keystone Exams will be used as the deciding factor for whether or not students will graduate from Pennsylvania’s public high schools. This September will also mark the five-year anniversary of House Resolution 456, the bi-partisan...