CASD: It’s time for some answers

Parents, taxpayers deserve facts, not rumors and speculation By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times An old maxim suggests wisdom is “knowing what you don’t know.” Well, it appears that when it comes to the Coatesville Area School District, we are all wise beyond our years. Here’s what we do know: CASD Superintendent of Schools Richard Como has resigned/retired effective Sept. 2 and while word of...

Lies, damn lies and talk about Common Core

Kennett event drifted into propaganda, rather than a clear-eyed look at the facts By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times KENNETT — I came, I saw, and frankly, I left scratching my head. Setting aside the oddity of complaining about the teaching of global warming on a day that four-plus inches of rain fell on the southern part of the county, closing roads and bridges, it was a complicated night of facts,...

Common Core hysteria is testing the limits

While a debate is proper, muddying the waters with lies doesn’t help By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Tuesday night, there’s a big meeting planned at the Kennett Fire Company’s Red Clay Room, to talk about the issues with the proposed Common Core curriculum. And while there are issues with Common Core, ranging from questions about the nature of the curriculum to who should pay for it, the...

Graystone should not reopen

Multiple failures, lack of accountability should doom charter school By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times As the drama unfolds surrounding Graystone Academy Charter School, there are undoubtedly winners and losers in the process of the charter school having its charter revoked. The biggest losers, of course, are the parents and students — some 272 — who are being told that the school will continue...

Same-sex marriage is happening. So?

The less time we spend on this, the more we might realize what sort of mess we’re in By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Same sex couples, it would seem, can drive a short distance from Chester County and obtain a marriage license. At the same time, our state Attorney General is refusing to defend the state’s defense of marriage act — a law that defines marriage as being between a man and a...

Milne Op/Ed: Kane must uphold her legal duties

Attorney General can’t decide which laws to enforce and defend, she must defend all By Duane D. Milne, Special to The Times State Rep. Duane Milne Pennsylvania State Attorney General Kathleen Kane has apparently decided to approach her elected post as if it was one of the “Choose Your Own Adventure” books that were popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Kane is now selectively choosing which duly...

Don’t write Corbett off just yet

Despite doomsayers — and the work of local GOP legislators — Gov. may just have second act By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Undoubtedly, you’ve seen the headlines (unless of course, you’re a sensible person and have spent the last broiling week or so somewhere with beaches, cool (relatively speaking) breezes and chilled beverages) that Gov. Tom Corbett is likely doomed, will be pushed out...

Op/Ed: Vacation time on the coast got me thinking…about floods

Climate change is real, and now we have to answer tough questions By Michael Hays, Guest Columnist, The Times Michael Hays Who knew that time off could be so alarming. Last month, I took an extended vacation to spend time with family in Sea Isle City, New Jersey, and hike parts of western Oregon – solo. The Atlantic-Pacific respite awakened me to the potentially devastating impact of rising ocean...

Council of Goverments shows a path ahead

13 towns working together offer chance for smart, more efficient government UPDATED (Sun 9 a.m.): adds comment on Saturday night legislative action By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times CALN — It was a sight to behold. Elected officials from various parties, municipalities and even the County Commissioners, sitting down for a sometimes freewheeling and open discussion about how best to work together. It...

In Harrisburg, seven big days ahead

Corbett’s legacy and whether your state legislator will have a lot of explaining to do By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times By all accounts, it’s going to be a busy week in Harrisburg — as the state legislature has just a week to get a lot of work done. Of course, the question is what will get done? And how much Republican-on-Republican political violence will be involved? Going into this year’s...