We’re overdue for a time out for the tyrant toddlers

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa When my kids — twins — were toddlers, it was kind of challenging, as is the case with most two year olds. They were easily convinced of things that were not true and acted out. Thankfully, this was a brief period that they grew out of quickly, especially as we were pretty firm when they did act out and it never got them what they wanted. I remember...

Op/Ed: Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal is an investment in Pennsylvania’s future

By Melissa Shusterman, State Representative, 157th District State Rep. Melissa Shusterman (D-157) Governor Tom Wolf’s final budget proposal comes as our commonwealth continues to deal with a global pandemic that has profoundly affected us all, impacting our health, the health of our loved ones, job prospects, care and education of our children and our access to goods and services in the economy....

Sorry about that, folks

A Note from Mike, the editor: If you’ve been trying to get to your favorite Times site and haven’t been able — well, we got hacked (part II of the hack we suffered last fall — we missed a couple of barn doors to close, it seems when we fixed things up). While we’re making progress, you may see some glitches here and there for a bit — we ask for your patience. I’ve...

Parents don’t have — and shouldn’t have — the only voice in public education

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa I hate to break it to you, but parents don’t — and shouldn’t — get the last word when it comes to public education. Should parents have some say? Sure, and they do (arguably an outsized voice already), but they are far from the only constituency school districts and school boards have to balance to truly represent the greater community. The needs...

Letter: Hope is still here in Coatesville

To the Editor,  Hope continues to march on in the Coatesville community, thanks to the generosity of those who have given to The Salvation Army during the 2021 holiday season. The Salvation Army in Coatesville, with the help of our partners, volunteers and donors, raised more than $31,000 over the holidays. Funds will fuel the various services and programs we provide year-round to our local community...

GOP continues to whine when they can’t rig the vote

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa If you can’t win fairly, then rig the game. This is pretty much the new motto of the Pennsylvania Republican Party. Whiny over new legislative redistricting maps that only give them a slight advantage, the GOP in the legislature is trying to use a constitutional amendment to make sure they can fix the game again.  They’re trying, again, to do the...

Letter: Fighting for the soul of our nation

To The Editor, Our democracy is at risk. A year after that act of domestic terrorism on the U.S. Capitol, our country continues to be a battlefield over the legitimacy of our elections and the right to vote. Believing the lies spread by the former president, elected Republicans and the right-wing media, thousands lay violent siege to our seat of American government, determined to stop the certification...

Make a resolution to improve your media literacy

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa New year, same old….well, a lot of stuff. We’ve been getting our butts kicked by a virus for going on two years, half the country thinks the other half are corrupt liars and we’re wandering our way toward a time when we won’t even agree whether the sky is blue and if grass is green. Granted, a lot of stuff is not quickly or easily fixable. But...

Op/Ed: The time for gun safety reform is now

By Tim Kearney, State Sen., 26th District Tim Kearney This area is riling. Our country is in crisis. The culprit. Gun Violence. Far too many lives have been lost, communities shattered, and families forever changed because of gun violence. This is not just an inner-city problem or urban issue. Our country is being assaulted on two fronts—the COVID-19 pandemic AND the epidemic of gun violence. We...

Angry that your hospital is closing? Blame health insurers

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa There is widespread anger and frustration over this week’s announcement that Tower Health would close Jennersville and Brandywine hospitals — without doubt, that anger is completely deserved. While Tower Health deserves a healthy amount of the blame — the company’s mismanagement and clear dishonesty with local elected officials trying to save...