Letter: Frustrated with deceptive political ads

To The Editor Hear that? It’s a collective groan heard all across PA as the election shifts into full gear. We are bombarded with political ads: print ads, internet pop-ups, TV, radio and robo-calls. Primary ads are even more bizarre than general election ones. Republicans attack Republicans. Democrats attack Democrats. The ads are ugly. I think I speak for most ordinary citizens when I say I would...

Coatesville resident addresses state lawmakers

She calls attention to unmet needs of those raising relatives’ children Debbie Willett (second from left) is joined in Harrisburg by Karen Brenneman (from left), former director of the Family Outreach Program at Child and Family Focus, Inc., a nonprofit advocacy agency; Rep. Tim Hennessey, who invited Willett to speak; and Deb McKinley, a grandparent from the support group. Debbie Willett, who...

Letter: Administration to blame for Chadds Ford test issues

To The Editor: I was shocked and dismayed by the forced retirement of Mr. Mark Ransford as the principal of Chadds Ford Elementary School. He has done an extraordinarily job in his short time there. He brought the first, nationally “Blue Ribbon” commendation to our district. While there may have been errors made in the administration of this year’s PSSA tests at CFES, the district’s...

Letter: candidate opposes Keystone graduation requirement

To The Editor: I oppose the effort to make the Keystone exams the deciding factor in a student’s graduation from High School.  One test cannot accurately evaluate an individual students abilities or efforts throughout their K-12 education. Students show their abilities and skills in many ways and a single exam path to graduation narrows an individual’s path toward success. The time spent instructing...

Op/Ed.: Cultivating economic development in Coatesville

By Josh Maxwell, Mayor of Downingtown Josh Maxwell Cultivating economic development is often a tricky endeavor.  On one hand, we want to incentivize job-creating businesses; on the other hand, we want to avoid missing out on valuable tax revenue for our communities.  In Downingtown we have been recognized for being able to use infill development opportunities with limited tax incentives to expand...

Letter: Dinniman calls on McCord to pull down ad

To The Editor: Politics is admittedly a rough game but Rob McCord’s TV ad that essentially accuses Tom Wolf of being a racist goes beyond all levels of acceptability.  I join forces with former Governor Ed Rendell, Senator Bob Casey, and other Democratic leaders in condemning this add and urging McCord to withdraw this offensive ad.  When will we Democrats learn to stop shooting ourselves...

Spring brings out the senseless in politics

May brings flowers and Silly Season, Part I By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Ah yes, it’s May. The blooms are on the trees, warm sunshine is here (that is when we don’t get washed away by five inches of rain), the birds are singing and Spring is in the air. Oh, and the crazy is really ramped up in the political world. From the 158th state house district to Gov. Tom Corbett, the red mist has fully...

Letter: Maxwell is the best choice in the 74th

To The Editor: Democrats in the newly-created 74th legislative district in Chester County have a clear choice to make in the May 20th Democratic primary. Only one candidate has proven capable of representing our party’s high ideals and earning the Party’s endorsement. We must send a strong, honorable, and experienced leader to Harrisburg, Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell. I personally know both...

Letter: Misinformation about horse breeding funds

To The Editor: It doesn’t surprise me that Ray Farrell (in comments on this site), who is the campaign manager for Roger Howard, doesn’t understand how Breeding Fund payments are made. Farrell took the time to quote from the Racing Act the duties of the Breeders Association but neglected to review (or chose to ignore) the section of the law that explains how breeding fund awards are to...

Letter: Looting horsemen no way to pay for schools

To The Editor, My background is that of an ‘Army Brat” who traveled the world — Turkey, France, Okinawa — with relatives in England, Australia, and New Zealand.  My grandfather in England used to call his bookie and enjoy making small bets from home and take me to the race courses in the 1950s. I love horses and always have from riding carriage horses in Turkey to now owning...