Letter: Gifts to legislators must stop

To The Editor: Giving gifts to legislators is big business in our Commonwealth. Pennsylvanians were rightfully outraged when they learned legislators were accepting cash gifts, and it was all done legally. Under current Pennsylvania law, any gifts of any value can be given to legislators. Legislators only need to disclose gifts valued at over $250 or transportation and lodging valued at over $650....

Op/ED: SE GOP leaders back Corbett on pension fight

Editors Note: This op-ed was submitted by Patricia Poprik, Chair of the Bucks County Republican Committee; Valentino DiGiorgio, Chair of the Republican Committee of Chester County; Andrew Reilly, Chair of the Delaware County Republican Committee; Mike Vereb, Chair of the Montgomery County Republican Committee; and John Taylor, Chair of the Philadelphia Republican City Committee; Michael Meehan, Chair...

Corbett faces trouble from his own party

Legislators annoyed by, but not scared by, Gov.’s budget line-item veto By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Yogi Berra, the baseball legend and armchair philosopher once said, “when you get to a fork in the road, take it.” Based on his action last week, Gov. Tom Corbett appears not to have taken this sage advice — and crashed right into the Burma Shave billboard located at the fork in the...

Letter: Former student urges support for Lewis

To The Editor, I’m writing to urge everyone in the 74th District to vote for Harry Lewis for State Representative on Tuesday, Nov. 4th.  I am blessed to say that Mr. Lewis, or “Mr. Lew” as we called him in High School, played a big role in my life and personal development. I first met Mr. Lewis during my freshman year at Coatesville Area High School, when I decided to run track.  In addition...

Op/Ed.: Keystones should not be a graduation requirement

The one-size-fits-all approach to education is wrong By Stephen Barrar, State Representative, 160th District State Rep. Stephen Barrar This September will mark the first year the Keystone Exams will be used as the deciding factor for whether or not students will graduate from Pennsylvania’s public high schools. This September will also mark the five-year anniversary of House Resolution 456, the bi-partisan...

Will Corbett stand up to the legislature on pensions?

How the governor plays this issue could decide the Nov. elections By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times A wise attorney once told me, “never ask a question in court if you don’t know what the answer will be.” It appears that Gov. Tom Corbett failed to adhere to that maxim when he hinted he would not sign the new $29.1 billion state budget passed by both houses of the legislature — unless the legislature...

Letter: Let’s change the conversation

To The Editor, The possible closure of The Barn at Spring Brook Farm has been portrayed in social media and The Kennett Paper as a situation of “The Good Guys vs. the Bad Guys.” This is unfair to the community of Pocopson Township, the Township Supervisors, and is not true. The conversation should instead focus on “Good Neighbors: A Community Effort”. I am a big fan of The Barn at Spring Brook...

Op/Ed.: Keystones not ready to graduate

By Rep. Duane D. Milne, State Representative, 167th Legislative District State Rep. Duane D. Milne As the 2013-14 school year ends, and we look forward to 2014-15, I am calling on my fellow citizens to join me in demanding a halt to the implementation of the Keystone Exams as proposed. In short: the Keystone Exams, if adopted as is, will require Pennsylvania high school students in general to take...

Bad state budget could wipe out Corbett and local legislators

If House plan is the final budget, GOP could face electoral doom in November By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It looks like Gov. Tom Corbett could be winning his budget battle, but could be losing the war — and maybe a handful of state legislative seats in Chester County. We may have a better sense how bad the mess will be once a state budget is passed, maybe even by Monday. The House of Representatives...

Letter: Denton Hollow safety concerns real

To The Editor, The concerns raised by residents regarding the traffic situation on Denton Hollow Road resulting from the detour of Route 52 have been misconstrued by some as whining and crying by a few people who simply don’t want to see more traffic on their road.  That’s not it – we are concerned township residents who see a recurring dangerous situation facing everyone using Denton Hollow. ...