Letter: Politics at center of UCF campaign

To The Editor, How ironic that Region C UCF School Board candidates Brooks, Do, and Lindner are running on a platform that proclaims “Education Not Politics”. Brooks, Do, and Lindner have all been highly active in partisan politics for many decades and each has served as an elected official. I applaud their involvement in political action but that campaign slogan is very inappropriate...

Letter: Reminder no need for photo ID on election day

To The Editor, In 2014 the courts ruled that the Pennsylvania Voter ID law violated our state constitution. So you can imagine why I was shocked when earlier this month, as I entered the Chester County Assistance Office on behalf of a family in need, I saw three inaccurate and misleading posters stating that Pennsylvania’s Voter ID law was in litigation and that you could be required to show a photo...

Letter: Hoffman is the right choice for Kennett

To the Editor: While every election is an important event, an opportunity to renew our individual commitment to our individual and community values, this election in Kennett Township is especially so. This is a year where the electorate nationwide is confused and frustrated. Outsiders with bombastic promises and outlandish charges promise unrealistic and inappropriate change. This approach at the state...

Letter: Brookes has conflict of interest

To The Editor: I am concerned. Being new to Chadds Ford I have been researching my new home and community. I was very disturbed to discover a conflict of interest in the upcoming election. Public officials should be held accountable to the highest standards of ethics and should avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Therefore, I question why Beverly Brookes could be considered qualified...

Letter: New group needed if there is to be new Kennett library

To The Editor, The Kennett Public Library hired Mcintyre Associates to conduct a campaign planning feasibility study for their proposed new library. The KPL essentially provided 23 carefully crafted questions for which they sought answers. They provided Mcintyre Associates with a list of 98 individuals to be interviewed, but only 41 (40.2%) chose to participate. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT RESULT...

Op/Ed: Olson, George, Cover best choice for PA

By Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh, Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh Over the past few years, Pennsylvania’s highest court has been sadly rocked by scandals that have shaken the foundation of our courts to its very core. With the turmoil that has been surrounding the Supreme Court in recent years, this year’s historic election for the three statewide courts is more important...

Why is the Second Amendment more important than all other rights?

Spoiler Alert: It’s not, despite what some might want to sell you By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Much has been said about a recent event at Patton Middle School in Unionville in which a parent left a gun in an unlocked, running car in the school’s parking lot. While I’m not sure that the ending — the unidentified parent involved apologized to the school district and community, surrendered...

A Q&A with Margaret Hudgings

An interview with leader of local group questioning mosquito spraying By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times My opinion piece “Mosquito spraying: why doesn’t the county want to talk about it?” in the Times of Chester County, August 31, asked many questions. Since then I’ve found many answers, including from talking with the County Health Department, and many new questions too. One thing I’ve...

Letter: Sestak will be a senator for all of the people

To The Editor, Over the past five years I have had the opportunity to listen and to watch Admiral Joe Sestak in action. Whether taking questions from senior citizens or in a discussion with high school students too young to vote, he demonstrated compassion and a sensitivity seldom seen in politicians. I recently accompanied Joe Sestak on a stroll through Thorndale, Pa. while he shared his experience...

Letter: Wolf is fighting for middle class families

To The Editor, Governor Wolf is fighting for middle-class families in Pennsylvania by reversing the damaging Republican cuts to education and human service providers. The governor’s budget invests in education, provides property tax relief, and fixes the budget deficit created by Republicans without using gimmicks or games. Standing firm in his commitment to these priorities, the governor has consistently...