Out with the old, in with the new….state constitution?

Dysfunction, failure points to need to revise 1968 state constitution By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Happy Old Year! Or, same old, same old. With precious few days left in 2015, the ongoing battle of the budget for the state of Pennsylvania continues unabated. There is, to be sure, lots and lots of blame to be shared by all sides, from a state legislature that seems not to know what it wants to...

Op/Ed: State Courts seek to control county row office operations

Judiciary hungry to seize fees that help keep local taxes down By Terri Clark, Chester County Register of Wills Terri Clark With Pennsylvania locked in a five-month budget impasse, the state’s Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) is creating something that already exists at public expense.  As our schools and non-profits suffer without state funding, AOPC is developing a computer...

Letter: Lack of support for fire companies troubling

To The Editor, Receiving proper financial support from local governments to make our Chester County communities are safe at all of times of the day and night is becoming almost impossible. I was dismayed to read of the treatment Fire Chief John Edwards and the East Brandywine volunteer fire company received at a recent township meeting. More than 100 citizens turned out to support the fire and EMS...

Merry Election Season? Not so far

State House GOP budget play doesn’t seem to make political sense By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It’s that time of year — you can see the indications of it everywhere. It’s election season. What, you thought I was talking about Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza? After just a few weeks off from the local 2015 elections, politics has moved back front and center, even if the events of 2015 will...

Delusions and confusion; or just another day in Harrisburg

State pols continue to labor under budget, tax delusions By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Ah, nothing says “holiday seasons” like the ongoing state budget stalemate. Perfectly, both Democrats and Republicans continue to labor under impressive delusions about the current state of the commonwealth — and the outcomes of some proposed legislation that would provide cornerstones for a possible budget...

Letter: Solution to class size issues in UCF? Redistrict

To The Editor: The Unionville Chadds Ford School District parents who have expressed concern about overcrowded fifth grade classes at Hillendale Elementary School have exposed a very small tip of a large iceberg. Three of the four elementary schools in the district operate from of 95. 9 % to 105.3% of their design capacities.    Send article as PDF   

Some thanks, apologies and an update

After two weeks in the hospital, I’m finally on the mend By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times A funny thing happened on the way home from the Octorara-Unionville High School Football game on the night before Halloween: I got really, really sick. So sick, I ended up in a local emergency room with what ultimately turned out to be a massive gastrointestinal infection. As that institution declined to...

Letter: Do, Lindner rebut Hellrung comments

To the Editor: We were saddened and, quite frankly bewildered, by Mr. Hellrung’s attack against us and his endorsement of our opponents. The comments expressed are diametrically opposed to comments he has made to us personally. We guess it really is true that politics makes strange bedfellows. Mr. Hellrung’s letter is ironic for two reasons.    Send article as PDF   ...

Letter: Takes issue with Hellrung letter

To The Editor, Shame on You, Jeff Hellrung! It is a very sad day for the UCFD school district when a sitting school board member (Jeff Hellrung) uses his position to engage in politics in an election outside his region. Jeff’s scurrilous editorial attack on Kathy Do, Bev Brookes and Gregg Lindner has no place in schoolboard dynamics. It will only poison the well of our deliberations.     ...

Letter: Do, Lindner have shown leadership

In June 2012, we relocated to the Philadelphia area with my husband’s company. It was our eighth relocation and we selected our new home based on one criterion, school district.  Like many families in the district, we chose the UCFSD above all others based on its record and reputation. To become more involved in our community and my children’s school, I attend school board meetings. As...