Don’t offer your ‘thoughts and prayers’

Accept the reality of mass shootings: this is what you wanted By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Don’t bother sharing your “thoughts and prayers.” The truth is, the slaughter of 49 innocent people in Orlando Sunday is exactly what you chose. Just as you chose the slaughter in Charleston, Sandy Hook, Aurora and dozens more. You also choose the shootings in Coatesville which of late seem to be...

TV report misses the real picture at CASH

WPVI went sensationalist, but the facts are more complicated By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times The video on Channel 6 last night was, if nothing else, attention grabbing, detailing fights at Coatesville Area High School’s 9/10 Center. Was it good journalism? Well, that probably is a matter of debate. The breathless story led Wednesday night’s WPVI newscast at 6 p.m. and showed a series of smart...

Op/Ed: Remembering those we lost defending freedom

By Steve Barrar, State Representative (R-160) Rep. Steve Barrar (R-160) listens as Rep. Mark Gillen (R-128) explains the updates that would be made to Soldiers’ Grove to honor the heroes who sacrificed their lives defending our country as a result of House Bill 1484. Soon, we will be recognizing another Memorial Day. In the past year, we have lost more men and women as they defended the greatest...

Letter From The Editor: Shiny and new!

Dear Readers, You may have noticed a few changes here at The Times in the last few days: a bit of a more contemporary look and — finally — proper compatibility with tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices. While we’re always looking to evolve and improve — and already have made a few tweaks to the new design based on your input — this is the first major site renovation since the launch...

Letter: Dinniman, Wolf have failed our schools

To The Editor: Governor Wolf and Senator Dinniman failed students, teachers and taxpayers this past week.  House Bill 805 would ensure that the best teachers are protected from layoffs and not simply the ones who are there the longest.  Rather than working to improve our education system and provide real accountability, Wolf and Dinniman opposed this legislation to protect the interests of a few...

Finding good borne out of a profound loss

Memorial 5K for Jacinda Miller keeps her legacy alive By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times This past Sunday, I had the honor of wearing two hats at the Chester County Half-Marathon and Memorial 5K – volunteer and journalist. Jacinda Miller was my friend. We were neighbors and birthday buddies, our sons went to school together, we saw each other every day at the bus stop, we also carpooled...

Grab a No. 2 pencil and underline this: the Keystones are unfair

While the legislature fiddles, teachers and students suffer By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times The good news is that the kids got to sleep in a bit on a school day. And while it’s becoming increasingly clear that our teens don’t get enough sleep — and a movement to delay the start time in Chester County high schools is slowly gaining momentum — that my twins, freshmen at Unionville High School...

Op/Ed: Community health centers betray pro-life trust

Congressman claims federal funds used to pay for abortions By Joe Pitts, U.S. Rep., 16th District U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts (R-16) There are 237 Community Health Center sites in Pennsylvania. Their umbrella organization, the National Association of Community Health Centers, declares that their mission is to serve over 23 million people at more than 9,000 sites to address the widespread lack of access to...

Good for Maxwell for standing up for Downingtown

Trump’s comment deserved pushback, Mayor deserves support By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell called Republican presidential candidate — and the likely GOP nominee — a “jerk” this week. Honestly, I would have called him something worse if Mr. Spray Tan had trashed my hometown on Twitter. Far worse. But now Maxwell finds himself in the crosshairs of every Internet...

The Times’ 2016 primary endorsements

Polls open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., voting expecting to be busier than normal By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times By now, you may be a bit tired of “feeling the Bern” or how “huge” this primary election is going to be, but the fact of the matter is that on Tuesday, the voters of Pennsylvania will have an opportunity to vote in the most meaningful primary election in decades — with but major party...