Violence is never the solution

We need to put aside anger and talk about what’s going on and why By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times We live in angry times, something we should all be worried about. From the Republican National Convention in Cleveland to the streets of our cities, folks are expressing their anger, often at each other and not in particularly helpful or useful ways. Like everyone else, I’m horrified by the recent...

Op/Ed: Don’t despair, volunteer

By  Kathleen Meehan Do, Executive Director Kennett After-School Association/After-The-Bell After The Bell in Kennett Square keeps middle school kids engaged and safe after school. But the program depends on local volunteers to make it a success. It’s hard to turn the television or computer on these days without hearing more bad news. Reports about shootings, riots, and acts of terrorism can leave...

Letter: Our community supports correctional officers

To The Editor, I would like the Chester County Correctional Officers to know that our community thanks them and stands with them, and I would like to thank Chris O’Donnell from Teamsters Local 384 for bringing to everyone’s attention the ways in which Chester County’s correctional officers and taxpayers are being unfairly treated. As an attorney who frequently visits Chester County Prison, I...

Letter: When will Rep. Lewis pay for the budget?

To The Editor, Monday, Governor Tom Wolf announced that he would allow the bipartisan, compromise budget to become law without his signature by midnight that night unless he had an honest package with sustainable, recurring, and sufficient revenue to sign before that time. That did not happen. The General Assembly has a constitutional responsibility to pass a sustainable revenue package to pay for...

Letter: A property tax reform suggestion

To the Editor: Every election cycle legislators trot out statements that they are going to do something about property taxes, and as sure as spring follows winter, nothing gets done and that issue gets put away until the next election season.  It’s time to stop paying lip service to we, the taxpayers, and do something. I’ve been paying property taxes for 28 years, so I understand the struggles...

A tale of two candidates and Trump

Also, can the CC GOP make up for national shortcomings in organization? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times As Charles Dickens put it, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Well, when it comes to politics and particularly those Republican candidates running down ballot of Donald J. Trump, it appears to be more of the latter. I give you a tale of two candidates, both of whom I know...

Op/Ed: We need leadership on gun violence

By Mike Parrish, Candidate, U.S. Representative, 6th District Mike Parrish I am a gun owner and proud supporter of our Second Amendment. As an Army veteran who served in Desert Storm, I have extensive training on how to responsibly use, care for, and safely store firearms. I have also seen first hand the damage that guns can do. In the aftermath of the shocking Orlando shooting by a radical domestic...

Letter: Chesco corrections officers deserve better pay

To The Editor: Is your health and safety worth more than $34,000 per year? What about the health and safety of your children? Your family? Your neighbors? Your community? Does our community think that a human life is worth more than $34,000?    Send article as PDF   

Letter: Justice should not be denied to sex abuse victims

To The Editor, In Harrisburg on Monday there was a public hearing on HB 1947, a bill to open the statute of limitations for childhood victims of sexual abuse. I have always supported Rep. Rozzi’s work in advocating for justice for the victims of childhood sexual abuse, but I am concerned that this bill creates two classes of victims. HB 1947, as it was introduced by Rep. Marsico, this bill limits...

Letter: Column unfairly politicizes Orlando shooting

To The Editor, I recently read Mike McGann’s piece about why politicians should not offer their thoughts and prayers in the wake of a tragedy and that the Republican majority in Chester County “chose” the horrific acts that took place in Orlando, Charlestown, Sandy Hook and other places. I can’t express how disappointed I am in your politicizing this tragic event.  I am deeply troubled...