Yup, it’s ‘Lawyers, Guns and Money’ time

Could the unthinkable happen in Unionville on Election Day? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It’s not even Labor Day yet and Election 2016 is already deeply into weeds of crazy, with apparent Russian Intelligence hackers seeking to impact two local congressional races, the local Corporate Republican Liberation Front is up to its old tricks and once unthinkable scenarios are now entirely plausible...

School start time changes shouldn’t be rushed

Right now, it appears Unionville-Chadds Ford may be only district pushing for change By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times There has been increasing talk about changing the start time for middle and high schools in Chester County — driven largely out of Unionville — part of a larger dialogue going on nationally. While its clear that the science supports such a move — teens seem to have built-in...

Letter: Library board lacks skills to build new library

To The Editor, Here we go again. After over two decades of announcing the need for a new library facility, the current library board and earlier library boards have  failed  to provide a new facility. Instead the current board is  forming another  new committee  to conduct additional study. THE PUBLIC DOES NOT NEED ANOTHER STUDY. THE PUBLIC NEEDS A NEW, MODERN LIBRARY! LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH!! ...

Op/Ed: The Constitution and why it matters

By Dan Truitt, State Representative, 156th District) State Rep. Dan Truitt (R-156). The longer I have been in Harrisburg, the more often I’ve found myself voting against pieces of legislation because I believe they violate the state or federal constitutions.  Hanging directly above the computer screen in my West Chester office is a copy of the oath that I first took in January 2011: “I do solemnly...

Tribute to a great man: Mayor Kennedy

Meanwhile, Trump claims PA election will be ‘rigged’ By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In a week that we should be celebrating the legacy of a Chester County legend — James C. Kennedy, the long-time Mayor of South Coatesville who passed away Thursday at the age of 99 — we are forced to deal with the specter of a presidential candidate who claims the commonwealth’s elections are likely...

School boards should take a look at ending private retreats

Even the perception that decisions are made behind closed doors is bad By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times Like most boards of education in Chester County, the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District board has held regular “retreats” — informal sessions where information is discussed and at times, the future direction of the district is discussed. A district resident, Mark Stookey, has questioned...

Letter: Chester County needs new leadership

To The Editor, When we move forward together, we move forward farther. It is often the case that elected officials like to talk about how great they are more than they like to talk about how great the people they serve are. That is fundamentally un-productive because it means that they’re focused on their own accomplishments instead of the community’s accomplishments. A “we” attitude is always...

Op/Ed: SEC mineral rule has undesired effect

By U.S. Rep.  Joe Pitts, 16th Congressional District, Pa. U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts (R-16) As Co-Chairman of the Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives, I am tasked with “promoting, defending and advocating” for international human rights standards in the U.S. Congress.  But this month, I voted with a majority of my colleagues to curtail the application of a law designed to bring...

Local Democrats appear to enjoy surprising enthusiasm gap

Flap over Parrish’s finances may prove double-edge sword for GOP By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times With what seemed like a weekend of bad news, followed by the chaos at the start of the Democratic National Convention, if local Democrats seemed a bit down in the dumps, it wouldn’t be surprising. Instead though — and I witnessed this first-hand at the Kennett Area Democrats office opening last...

Letter: Rep. Lewis touts his record

To the Editor, As the state representative for the 74th district, it has been my honor to fight in Harrisburg for taxpayers.  For the second year in a row, I joined a bipartisan coalition in Harrisburg against excessive income and sales tax hikes that would have penalized hard-working Pennsylvanians.  Democrats and Republicans voted together to hold the line on taxes, while funding our schools at...