Letter: A vote for Roe

To The Editor, Eric Roe will make an outstanding State Representative for us in the 158th Legislative District. He’s one of the hardest working men I know, and he’ll work tirelessly for the residents of the 158th in Harrisburg. He’s got the work ethic, the skill sets, the private sector experience and the professional acumen to be an effective advocate for families and seniors. He...

Bill was right: it’s a crazy system (part I of II)

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times Bill Clinton was right about health insurance when he controversially said on October 3: “…The people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies. Why? Because they’re not organized, they don’t have any bargaining power with insurance companies, and they’re...

GOP seems to be laying groundwork for two campaigns

As Trump implodes, Republicans pivoting to save down-ballot races By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times As we suggested last week, the heavy firepower is hitting Chester County now — and is likely to continue right up to the election. Already this week, we’ve seen Ted Danson in town stumping for Hillary Clinton and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (and former GOP Vice Presidential nominee)...

Letter: Kampf is a fresh breath of air

To the Editor, Too often today, partisan politics trump common sense and doing what’s right. That’s why State Representative Warren Kampf is a breath of fresh air. Warren Kampf doesn’t play political games. He listens to his constituents and works on the issues that matter to us.    Send article as PDF   

Letter: Roe is just wrong

To the Editor, As Election Day comes closer, it’s time for all Pennsylvanians to seriously decide who they are going to vote for. The media would have us think that there are only two people running for office, but we actually have several important down-ticket votes to cast in addition to President. One of those is our Representative for State House.    Send article as...

Welcome to the center of the political universe

National media highlights major role of Chester County in presidential race By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Well, we told you so. For most of the summer in this space, we’ve told you that Chester County figures to be ground zero in the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — and now multiple stories from outside the region, in USA Today, The New York Times and The Harrisburg...

Letter: Four reasons to vote for McGinty

To The Editor: For U.S. Senate, I believe Katie McGinty is clearly the better choice this November.  She understands the concerns of the people of Pennsylvania and will do a better job representing our interests. Her opponent Pat Toomey is running many TV and print ads that obscure some of his very troubling positions.  It’s time to expose them.   On Social Security: Toomey has long advocated...

Op/Ed: Leaders need a vision for the future

By Mike Parrish, Candidate, 6th Congressional District Mike Parrish As a businessman, I know that growth requires investment. As we look at the economic landscape going into the General Election, we see that investment in a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation is sorely lacking. I know that economic growth and job creation remains a top priority for Americans, and in Congress I will be a...

Letter: Kampf must go, elect Von Mol

To The Editor, When an incumbent state representative has served three terms and seeks a fourth, voters have enough information to decide how well the candidate has been serving their interests.    How, then, is Warren Kampf performing in the PA General Assembly? Where does he stand—and vote—on issues that matter to us citizens in the 157th District?   What and whom does he support?  It’s...

Letter: Lewis asks for Keystone Opportunity Zone support

To The Editor, Earlier this summer, the Pennsylvania Legislature and I voted to re-open the Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) program.   This is a 10-year tax abatement program applied to specific properties that will add significant tax incentives into our revitalization toolbox for the City of Coatesville.    With this powerful tool, we can finally attract major, sustainable interest from investors...