Op/Ed: Volunteering to cuddle needy newborns

Drug-addicted babies need volunteers By Susan Rzucidlo, Special To The Times I confess, I typically read two newspapers a day as well as online papers and other news sites and listen to news radio. Occasionally, I share what I read on social media. Last week I shared a story on my Facebook page from The Philadelphia Inquirer about volunteer cuddlers, who hold and help newborns who are, in most cases,...

Letter: HES mom tells her side of PTO rift

To The Editor, Editor’s Note: due to a legal demand, we are forced to pull this letter from publication. We disagree, and would prefer a free, open and frank exchange of ideas. But, the legal burden of defending such a case in court is prohibitive.    Send article as PDF   

Letter: The Times, citizens need to be vigilant

To The Editor, I am writing to encourage The Times of Chester County to remain an independent news organization that fact-checks statements made by all politicians (particularly the president-elect) and exposes false statements clearly while reporting on any issue. The president-elect has consistently derogated news sources that disagree with him or his positions. However, our success as a democracy...

Was BuzzFeed right to publish alleged Trump dossier?

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times If those allegations weren’t news before January 10, they sure are now. The post that contains the download to the full 35-page version of the allegations was viewed over 5,000,000 times in its first 3 days online.  (The 2-page executive summary has not been posted.) Here is Buzzfeed’s self-justification: “BuzzFeed News is publishing the full...

Letter: Rock’s statements unfair and inaccurate

To The Editor, As President of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District School Board, I am compelled to respond to the inaccurate and unfair characterizations made by School Board Member Dr. Rock, who resigned this week.  Upon resigning Dr. Rock shared with the Board a letter outlining his concerns. I am troubled by and disappointed in Dr. Rock’s statements, as he is still refusing to share critical...

Letter: Michael Rock’s resignation from UCF Board of Education

Editor’s Note: The following is the letter read by Unionville-Chadds Ford Board of Education Director Michael Rock — who provided the letter to The Times and asked for it to be published. I remained stunned and dumbfounded by our continuing unwillingness to honor the heartfelt requests from several of our minority parents who asked us, following the election, to send a letter to everyone in...

A shiny new year: things are about to get interesting

Congressional, legislative officials face new political minefields in 2017 By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times From Harrisburg to Washington, D.C., it is a bold, bright new year in politics. From fresh starts to fresh panics, 2017 looks to be among the most interesting ever in the history of our little republic — and possibly not in a good way, but time will tell. To kick off the year, we’ll gloss...

Letter: Costello must reveal his vote on ethics rules

To The Editor, On Monday night, the Republican house delegation voted to weaken the Office of Congressional Ethics by a secret vote. Under the Republican proposal, the office would no longer be an independent body, and would be controlled by the House Ethics Committee and the majority party’s leaders. Changes would also be made that the office could no longer make independent public statements, outside...

Letter: To save public education, Senate must reject DeVos

To The Editor, When describing public education in America our President-Elect Donald Trump compared our schools to third world countries. To fix the education system at a national level, he has chosen Betsy DeVos as education secretary. The former leader of the Michigan Republican Party, DeVos’ only contribution to education policy has been advocating for school vouchers and charter schools. Conservatives...

Op/Ed: Municipal funding decisions for fire/EMS putting public at risk

A.J. McCarthy (Times’ file photo). By A.J. McCarthy, Chief, Longwood Fire Company The decision by Oxford Borough Council to decrease funding for Union Fire Company and its EMS service is endangering its constituents’ safety. Also, the reported comments by Borough Manager Brian Hoover are infuriating and misleading the citizens of Oxford. Fire companies and EMS units in Chester County struggle...