Pa. legislative Republicans show irresponsibility — again — in new COVID outbreak

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It’s been a long year, considering it’s just been a week. I can’t list the entire magnum of chaos that happened this past week in D.C., so I’m going to focus on the ones that immediately impact voting in Pennsylvania and Chester County. Keeping it local, it looks like the Republicans in the legislature were saved from themselves when State Rep....

Letter: Emmons is wrong for PA-6

To The Editor, This Election Day, voters in Chester and Berks counties selecting their representative in Congress will have to choose between a military veteran with a solid record of public service, and a virtually unknown man whose only apparent accolade has been his record of success in business.  That, in short, is the choice for voters in Pennsylvania’s 6th district. John Emmons has never served...

Op/Ed: Industry partnerships the collective business solution to restoring SE PA’s economic resilience

By Carrie Anne Amann, Special to The Times Carrie Anne Amann Like the ants in Aesop’s fable, hundreds of area businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies have been working diligently for years to build a strong economic and workforce development system, which is serving the region well during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by the powerful combo of the Chester County Economic Development...

The Pa. GOP doesn’t want your vote for president to count

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It is becoming painfully clear that Pennsylvania Republicans do not want you to be able to vote for president in 2020. They literally support the end of representative democracy in favor of a minority political oligarchy. From the word of state GOP chair Lawrence Tabas, who apparently has consulted with the Donald Trump campaign over the potential for...

Op/Ed: Gerrymandering, who it affects and what you can do

By Nadya Dato, Special to The Times Nadya Dato I’ve always taken an interest in government. The rules and regulations of our society help us coexist, and I’ve always believed following these rules brought fairness and equality to everyone. As I’ve gotten older though, I’ve come to realize that isn’t true – not only are the rules unfair, but some choose not to play...

The fact-challenged whiners are winning on COVID, and we’re all going to lose

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Well, ready or not, we’re reopening. Tomorrow, restaurants will be allowed to operate at 50% capacity, it looks like the college football leagues that initially cancelled will now try to play and there is increasing pressure for local school districts to resume in-person instruction. Now, understand, these moves aren’t based on science or that things...

Op/Ed: Inequitable public schooling in a nation of equality

Zack Zahlaway, Special to The Times Zack Zahlaway In a nation built on the principle that all people are created equal, how is it acceptable for certain children to receive more school funding based on their location and family’s income than other children? The fact of the matter is that this hypocritical truth plagues public school systems, especially in Pennsylvania. In a research report done by...

Despite good motivations, county’s antibody test plan was an expensive screw up

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa There are times you hate to be right, and this is one of them. Way back in May, I questioned the decision by Chester County Health to use untested and likely inaccurate antibody testing ( — and to use it only on a limited population, those with symptoms. I argued that broad diagnostic testing and contact tracing was...

Letter: Chesco legislators standing against polluters

To The Editor, As we near election day, voting for those whose first priority is our health and environment is extremely important for our future. Unfortunately, most Pennsylvania state legislators are severely lacking in their duty to address one of the most threatening crises facing us: climate change. Pennsylvania is the fourth biggest carbon dioxide emitter in the United States, and the recent...

Let’s not blame local officials for playing it safe in the Age of COVID

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa By rights, we should be enjoying the start of a new school year — bragging on our kids, showing off their new clothes and school gear. In a normal year, we should talking about which high school football teams in the Ches-Mont are early break outs and which programs look to be struggling. We should, as usual, bemoan the length and stupidity of the election...