Home safety project awards smoke/CO detectors


The Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee awarded 132 smoke/carbon dioxide detectors to local organizations to distribution in needy ares of the county.

WEST CHESTER – The Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee announced a Home Safety Disaster Mitigation Project designed to provide combination smoke/carbon monoxide detectors to homes in high risk areas of Chester County through distribution by partner agencies.

A total of 132 10-year sealed lithium battery detectors were granted to 12 different organizations for a retail value of nearly $4500. Each detector will be installed in homes of clients who currently live with the risk  of tragedy by not having a working smoke or carbon monoxide detector.

The Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee is a collaboration of organizations working to address the unmet needs of residents of Chester County in response to disasters on a case-by-case basis. The Committee provides coordinated management of the long term recovery of residents and additional assistance to individuals through member organizations and others. The Committee will respond to needs not met by typical relief systems for those without adequate personal resources. 

Claudia Hellebush, President and CEO of United Way of Chester County adds, “This project was an easy decision for the Committee. Emergency responders confirm that so many tragedies in our community are caused by a lack of detectors. In some cases the devices are there but the batteries are gone. The model we’ve selected will address that. While the group exists to provide help for the unmet needs that go unresolved once the initial response is complete following a disaster, these mitigation projects are an ideal way for the Committee to serve the community in a preventative way.”

By forming a Long Term Recovery Committee, Chester County will maximize the utilization of available resources, avoid duplicate efforts, and manage the delivery process as needs change over time. Donated materials and labor can help bridge the gap while trained disaster case managers can also help individuals navigate existing human service programs. United Way serves as the fiscal sponsor of the Long Term Recovery Committee.

For more information about the Chester County Long Term Recovery Committee, or to become a member, call Janet Zeis at 610-344-5014 or visit www.chescostrong.org


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