New 4-Way stops implemented on Hillendale Road

Motorists urged to use caution at intersections

By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times


An example of the warning signage & lighting placed prior to motorists arriving at the new intersections

KENNETT – Local motorists are urged to use caution and be extra aware when traveling on Hillendale Road as Kennett Township has implemented two new, 4-way stops, at the intersections of Bayard & Hillendale Roads and McFarlan & Hillendale Roads. The changes are in response to accidents, that average between four and five per year, when motorists are attempting to cross Hillendale Road.

Currently, bright yellow warning signage and lighting have been installed before each intersection to alert drivers of the new changes; but motorists have been witnessed not stopping, continuing through the intersections at high rates of speed, apparently unaware of the changes.

Kennett Township Manager Lisa Moore explained to The Times that the township did make improvements, with a goal of trying to increase the sight distance, including removing the trees at the southwest corner of Bayard and Hillendale, (with the property owner’s permission) and also re-graded the bank. Despite these efforts, there were still accidents at the intersections and many ‘close calls.’

As a result of the continued safety issues, the township’s engineering firm, Remington Vernick , conducted a traffic study confirming the need for 4-way stops at both intersections. Additionally, The Chief of Police, Albert McCarthy, and the Public Works Director & Roadmaster, Roger Lysle, both made recommendations and encouraged the Board of Supervisors to convert the intersections based on these findings.

An ordinance was passed on January 21st approving the installation of the 4-way stops. The township was then required to wait five days prior to implementing the ordinance, during which, caution lights and new signage were ordered with in preparation for the changes that went into effect February 4th.stops

Moore says, “Safety is our main concern. We want to do the best we can to ensure the safety and welfare of our residents and others in our community and are always trying to improve the community in ways that will protect and safely assist our residents and other drivers as they travel through the Township. We are confident that once everyone gets acclimated with the 4-way stops it will greatly improve the intersections and assist in decreasing the number of accidents.”

Looking forward, Kennett Township continues to evaluate the intersection of Bayard and Rosedale Roads and is currently making short term changes to the intersection such as removing brush and adding signage prior to making it a 4-way stop.

Moore encourages residents that have questions to contact her directly via phone: (610) 388-1300 x 112 or email: Residents may also visit the Township website at for more updates and information.

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