GOP putting the ‘mean’ in meaningless legislative efforts

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Fall, that time of year when a young man’s fancy turns to…a budget crisis, political dysfunction, a renewed health care mess and, oh, yeah, off-year elections.
So, let’s see, the state still lacks a revenue plan to pay for a spending plan it passed some months ago, so now some bills aren’t being paid. The state House Republicans have come up with a wacky plan...
A Q&A with Kate Young on Fair Districts PA and the fight against gerrymandering

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times
Recently I spoke with Kate Young about Fair Districts PA and its campaign to do away with gerrymandering in Pennsylvania. Several Fair Districts presentations this spring have generated great interest. West Chester Public Library didn’t have materials on gerrymandering in its collection, so Fair Districts PA donated three books...
Local legislators back bipartisan state budget

Senate, Gov. must OK $31.55 billion state spending plan
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Correction: Adds Rep. Truitt’s vote.
It appears last year’s long, drawn out state budget process may be shorter — based on the bipartisan passage of a new $31.55 billion budget by the state House of Representatives, Tuesday, 132-68.
The budget was supported by seven Chester County State Representatives...
Letter: Justice should not be denied to sex abuse victims

To The Editor,
In Harrisburg on Monday there was a public hearing on HB 1947, a bill to open the statute of limitations for childhood victims of sexual abuse.
I have always supported Rep. Rozzi’s work in advocating for justice for the victims of childhood sexual abuse, but I am concerned that this bill creates two classes of victims. HB 1947, as it was introduced by Rep. Marsico, this bill limits...
Grab a No. 2 pencil and underline this: the Keystones are unfair

While the legislature fiddles, teachers and students suffer
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The good news is that the kids got to sleep in a bit on a school day.
And while it’s becoming increasingly clear that our teens don’t get enough sleep — and a movement to delay the start time in Chester County high schools is slowly gaining momentum — that my twins, freshmen at Unionville High School...
Out with the old, in with the new….state constitution?

Dysfunction, failure points to need to revise 1968 state constitution
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Happy Old Year!
Or, same old, same old.
With precious few days left in 2015, the ongoing battle of the budget for the state of Pennsylvania continues unabated.
There is, to be sure, lots and lots of blame to be shared by all sides, from a state legislature that seems not to know what it wants to...
Merry Election Season? Not so far

State House GOP budget play doesn’t seem to make political sense
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
It’s that time of year — you can see the indications of it everywhere.
It’s election season. What, you thought I was talking about Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza?
After just a few weeks off from the local 2015 elections, politics has moved back front and center, even if the events of 2015 will...
Op/Ed: An irresponsible budget

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner
Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone
I worked in the private sector at large and small companies, in various financial management roles, for about two decades before becoming a Chester County Commissioner. During the Corbett administration, I have watched from afar as legislators and the Governor concocted one bad budget after another. Previous...
Corbett faces trouble from his own party

Legislators annoyed by, but not scared by, Gov.’s budget line-item veto
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Yogi Berra, the baseball legend and armchair philosopher once said, “when you get to a fork in the road, take it.”
Based on his action last week, Gov. Tom Corbett appears not to have taken this sage advice — and crashed right into the Burma Shave billboard located at the fork in the...
Will Corbett stand up to the legislature on pensions?

How the governor plays this issue could decide the Nov. elections
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
A wise attorney once told me, “never ask a question in court if you don’t know what the answer will be.”
It appears that Gov. Tom Corbett failed to adhere to that maxim when he hinted he would not sign the new $29.1 billion state budget passed by both houses of the legislature — unless the legislature...